Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Rosemary Hair Tonic

I made a bottle of a rosemary hair tonic on Sunday and I must say, it's great! I used it after I washed out my DC. I had made a herbal cleanser/tonic some time ago, it was also great, but I think I prefer this one.

Now, we all know that rosemary is great when it comes to preventing, or curing dandruff, an itchy scalp, dry scalp, other scalp issues, thinning hair/hair loss and rosemary also is used to stimulate hair growth naturally.

So, here's my rosemary hair tonic recipe!

Rosemary Hair Tonic


  • bottled or distilled water water
  • dried rosemary leaves


  • Pour some of the rosemary leaves into a pot/pan
  • Pour some water into that same pot/pan. Note that the amount of water you pour in depends on the strength you want the tonic. I just add a little above the surface of the leaves in the pt/pan.
  • Heat up the water and once it starts boiling, reduce the heat and let it simmer for a few minutes (not long, though, you really don't need to let it simmer for up to 10 minutes)
  • Turn off the heat and leave it to cool off with the lid on.
  • Choose to either sieve it or leave the rosemary leaves in it. I left mine in.
  • After washing, co-washing, cleansing, moisturising your hair... spill it slowly on your head, being careful so it reaches all points of scalp.
  • Don't rinse off. 

Rosemary Hair Tonic (old recipe)

  • bottled or distilled water water
  • dried rosemary leaves
  • dried basil/thyme leaves
  • dried sage leaves
  • Water (distilled or bottled)
  • An oil (Canola oil, Rapeseed oil, Extra Virgin Olive Oil, Coconut oil, or Jojoba Oil)
  • Lemon Juice (optional)
  • Aloe vera gel
  • Vitamin E oil (optional) (preservative)

    • Boil some distilled or bottled water.
    • Eyeball the herbs (the main herb/the herb with the greatest quantity should be the rosemary) and pour them into the boiling water.
    • Pull the boiling water and herbs off the stove.
    • Let the herb mixture sit for 30-40 minutes.
    • Add the oil (I used the EVOO and canola in really small quantities) after the mix has been sitting for 30 minutes.
    • After 40 minutes (10 minutes after the last step), add some lemon juice.
    • Strain the herbal mixture into a bowl.
    • Mix in some aloe vera gel and vitamin E oil then transfer the mix into a bottle and store in a cool, dry place.
    • Choose to either sieve it or leave the leaves in it. I left mine in.
    • After washing, co-washing, cleansing, moisturising your hair... spill it slowly on your head, being careful so it reaches all points of scalp.
    • Don't rinse off. 

    Both tonics have quite a long shelf life. I've had the one with the old recipe for over 2 months and it's still good. Also, it doesn't really require refrigeration, but if you want to keep your in the fridge, that's fine.


    So! I hope you enjoyed reading this and if you ever try out these tonics, please send me a review :)



    1. how long can you store your tonic once you've made it?

    2. Months. Like many months. Not sure how long, but you'll know when it's going bad 'cause all the rosemary'll start sticking together. I still have a batch I made late last year.
